Displays in May

What a busy month for South London Lettering. On Saturday 19th May we set up a stall at SSI Lay Members’ Day. We put on display work from Founder Members of the association, samples of work from more recent workshops including the beautiful mandala poster, our travelling book project from 2017 and our brand new banner. We also had a table of all our 20th anniversary merchandise which proved to be very popular and the sales table was kept busy. Lots of visitors to the stand, lots of interest shown and an interesting day for SLLA.

Sunday 20th May was the Wayzgoose Fair at St Bride Foundation. This is an annual fund-raising event aimed at printmakers, typographers and letter designers, with SLLA flying the flag for calligraphy and lettering. The event is open to all and attracted a good number of visitors throughout the day. As well as our sales table, we also had a demonstration table set up with paper and all kinds of pens for members to showcase their skills and an invitation for visitors to ‘have a go’ which many of them did during the course of the day. A successful day, rounding off a busy weekend.

Then on Tuesday 22nd May, members were back at St Bride for a tour of the Foundation hosted by Mick Clayton, one of the volunteers. As well as looking after the Foundation’s collections and libraries, he also runs printing classes in the workshop. He talked about the history of the building
and the origins of the Foundation, took members on a tour of various parts of the building and showed them some of the treasures held by the Foundation. An interesting and enjoyable evening for everyone.

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