Workshop reviews


Here are some observations from a few of our past workshops.

Lino letter cut & print with Michela Antonello

We had a excellent one-day workshop with Michela Antonello on 17 Jan 2015. Many of us, including me, had never tried lino cutting and printing techniques before, but our day was very successful. After a brief introduction, we jumped straight into practising some cut skills with V- and U- shaped tools straight, and then practised making outlines with scalpel. I found that lino is easier to control than wood or rubber.

Calligrapher’s A-Z: G is for Gill

In our calligraphy A – Z, we highlight key aspects of calligraphy, one letter at a time, and this is featured among other great SLLA highlights in our members’ newsletter, "Inc."

Leslie MacDonald ‘Max’ Gill (1884-1947) was the immediate younger brother of the sculptor and letterer Eric Gill (1882-1940). Max Gill was an artist and designer of remarkable versatility — architect, illustrator, graphic designer, letterer and mapmaker. The two brothers were very different in character but they shared an enthusiasm for the lettering of their friend and teacher Edward Johnston (1872-1944).
