NOTAN with Gwyneth Hibbett

NOTAN - a workshop with Gwyneth Hibbett on Saturday 9th March, 2024.

‘Notan’ is a Japanese term that means “light-dark harmony”. It is a design concept that explores the relationship between flat areas of dark and light in an image, and how to arrange them in a pleasing way. In this workshop we will be using Notan with both lettering and designs, with a view to thinking about positive and negative space, and creating eye-catching calligraphic compositions.

notanNicola Dunn writes, “A fascination with Japanese culture meant I was particularly looking forward to Gwyneth’s Notan workshop and I wasn’t disappointed. We all enjoyed learning about this intriguing design concept using simple collage techniques with striking results.”

A full write up of the class and images will appear in the next SLLA newsletter.